
How to Make Scented Candles

Scented candles are used to enhance the ambiance of a room or event, as well as being used for helping to clean the air or ease breathing. Making scented candles can be as simple as adding scent to an existing candle or adding scent to a candle from scratch. Whichever way you prefer, here are some suggestions to try.


[Edit]Choosing a Scent Ingredient

  1. Consider the kind of scent you'd like to add to candles. There is a wide variety of choices, but not all of them will align with your personal preferences. Some are commercially produced from chemicals, some come from plants, while others are based on essential oils. The origin of the scent may impact your choice to use it, especially if you're concerned about chemicals in your home environment. Typical sources of scenting candles include:
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    • Commercial candle making scents: These are in liquid form and are available from most stores that sell candle making supplies. The strength of the scent will vary from brand to brand and whether or not you have access to a full list of ingredients will depend on the manufacturer's willingness to provide this. Expect to use about 1 ounce of liquid scent to every 2 pounds of melted wax.
    • Fragrance oils: These are 100% synthetic and are not specifically made for candles but usually still work for scenting them. The same issues as the commercial scents apply. Most are highly concentrated, so use of these should be sparing. Expect to use about 10-15 drops of fragrance oil per 1 pound of melted wax.
    • Essential oils: These are produced naturally from plants such as herbs and flowers. They have specific properties, which can be found by doing an online search or using a book on essential oils. Not all essential oils will work well with wax, so you may need to do a test first. Expect to use about 10-15 drops of essential oil per 1 pound of melted wax.
    • Natural sources of scent: This covers such things as crushed or powdered plants, spices and herbs, finely ground zest, etc. Some work really well with melted wax, such as ground cinnamon, crushed lavender flowers or finely ground lemon zest. Others may not meld as well though, or can stop the wax from turning hard or prevent the wick from burning, so do your research first. Expect to use about 1 teaspoon of ground spice, herb or zest per 1 pound of wax.

[Edit]Simple Scent Addition

For the already-made candle without scent, this is a simple fix. It won't last long, so needs frequent re-addition, but it works well for a powerful burst of fragrance in the short-term.

  1. Light a fragrance-free candle. Allow it to burn until a small melted wax puddle forms around the flame area.[1]
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    • The candle should lack fragrance, else it may overpower or mix poorly with the scent you're adding.
  2. Use a pipette or dropper to add a single drop of essential into the melted wax puddle. Avoid placing the oil anywhere near the actual flame.[2]
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  3. Expect the scent to begin wafting out as the candle continues to burn. Top up as often as needed.
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[Edit]Pressed Herb Scented Candles

Herbs (dried or fresh) that are macerated in molten wax will release a light fragrance as they're burned. This effect is heightened by the addition of essential oils.

  1. Consider designing the leaf pattern first. This will ensure that you arrange the leaves in a thoughtful way rather than quickly rushing to push them on. Look at at the leaves you have and imagine how they'll look and try to line them up in readiness for pressing on the candle.
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  2. Fill the long jar with boiling water.
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  3. Dip the candle into the water.[3] Hold it in place from the wick for 1 to 2 minutes. Ensure that it is all submerged.
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  4. Remove from the jar and place on parchment paper. Place the leaves onto the softened candle surface, using tweezers. Press in place gently.
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    • Work quickly, once the wax solidifies, the leaves are stuck in place and no more can be added.
  5. Dip the candle into the hot water again. The leaves will be sealed behind a new layer of melted wax.
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    • Further dipping in the hot water will shift the pressed leaves further into the candle. Bear this in mind if adding more layers of leaves, as some will be deeper in, some closer to the outside if you approach this in several goes.
  6. Drip a few drops of essential oil down the sides of the candle before it solidifies. Aim for an even distribution. Let set.
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  7. Repeat with as many candles as you'd like to make. These candles will keep for a very long time, but you may need to infuse more essential oil after long-term storage.
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[Edit]Scented Floating Candles

  1. Drop the paraffin wax into the double boiler or bain marie.[4] Heat the water in the base compartment of the pan. Wait for the wax to slowly melt.[5]
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  2. Add a little amount of wax dye disc to the melting wax. Add more if you wish–-the more dye added, the deeper the color will appear.
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  3. Add the scent. While the wax is boiling, add either a few drops of essential oil or wax perfume.[6][7]
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  4. Remove the top pan from the heat. Pour the melted wax into the molds. Leave to set slightly.
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  5. Cut the wick. Cut into 5cm/2 inch lengths. Push each wick into the center of the setting wax.
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  6. Top up with more wax if needed. The wax will shrink a bit as it sets; if you think it needs a bit more, feel free to add a little more melted wax as a top-up.
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  7. Let set.
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  8. Use the candles as follows:
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    • Fill a shallow bowl with water.
    • Float the candles on top.
    • Add a few flat-headed flowers in between the floating candles for a prettier look.
    • Light the candles when needed.
    • Place the display in the middle of a table or somewhere else where a glowing decorative element is needed.

[Edit]Lavender Scented Candles

  1. Prepare the mold. Spray the soup can with mold release or silicone spray.
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  2. Spread the lavender flowers across a baking sheet. Put to one side.
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  3. Prepare the wick:
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    • Cut the wick. Cut it at least 2 inches/5cm longer than the height of the can mold.
    • Attach the weight to the bottom of the wick.
    • Attach the other end of the wick to the wick holder. The wick should feel taut and when it is rested at the top of the mold, there should be no slack.
  4. Melt the medium point paraffin wax first. Place in a double boiler and heat the water.[8][9] Heat until it reaches between 185ºF-190ºF. Then add:
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    • The purple crayon pieces;
    • The lavender essential oil;
    • Then stir.
  5. Pour the melted wax into the soup can mold. Use a ladle to transfer the wax from the double boiler. Set aside to cool and harden. This will take about 3 hours.
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  6. Remove the candle from the mold. To even the base, place the candle base on a hot skillet or frying pan for a few seconds.
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  7. Add the flowers to the candle.[10]
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    • Melt the high melting point paraffin wax in the double boiler. Melt until it reaches 200ºF to 210ºF.
    • Paint the exterior of the candle with this melted wax.
    • Immediately roll the candle over the baking sheet of lavender flowers. Many will instantly adhere to the sides of the candle. Let set.
  8. Done. The candle is ready for use or it can be stored long-term.
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[Edit]Scenting the Wick

This method provides a fairly long-lasting source of fragrance. It's only suitable where you're making the whole candle from scratch.

  1. Melt a little candle wax.
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  2. Add a few drops of the desired essential oil.
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  3. Prime the wicks. To do this, immerse the wicks in the melted wax for about 20 minutes. Then remove and pull them straight. Lay on parchment or greaseproof paper to let them harden.[11]
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  4. Make candles. Use the scent-primed wicks.
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  • Typical essential oils added to candles include citronella (insect repellent qualities and a citrus odor); lavender (familiar fragrance that both soothes and revives); rose (calming, good for mental tension, lovely fragrance); yang yang (sensual and anti-depressant); chamomile (smells a bit like apples and has a calming effect).
  • More scented candle ideas can be found below under "Relateds".
  • Scented candles make excellent gifts. They can be wrapped in clear cellophane, tied at the top with raffia or ribbon and a small label noting the scent can be added.


  • Never leave lit candles unattended; blow them out if nobody is still around to keep an eye on them.
  • Some people are allergic to scented products.
  • Some scents are off-putting to some people––be sure to take everyone's preferences into account when adding scents.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

Simple Scent Addition

  • Candles without fragrance
  • Essential oil
  • Pipette or dropper

Pressed Herb Scented Candles

  • Pressed herb leaves or flowers
  • Tall container, such as a preserving jar - must be able to withstand boiling water
  • Boiling water
  • Long, thick candles (as many as you want to make)
  • Parchment paper
  • Tweezers
  • Essential oils, match to the herbs

Scented Floating Candles

  • 500g/ 1 lb paraffin wax
  • Double boiler/bain marie
  • Wax dye discs (in colors of choice, two different colors is a good idea)
  • Wax perfume or essential oils
  • Miniature tart cases made from tin or aluminum; or use silicone or similar molds
  • 50cm/ 18" primed wick
  • Flat headed flowers for floating among the candles (optional)

Lavender Scented Candles

  • 1 pound paraffin wax with medium melting point (130ºF to 145ºF)
  • 1/4 pound paraffin wax with a high melting point (over 145ºF)
  • 6 drops lavender essential oil
  • 1 purple crayon, paper removed and cut into small pieces
  • 1/2 cup crushed lavender flowers
  • Double boiler/bain marie
  • Spoon for stirring
  • Empty soup can
  • Mild release or silicone spray
  • 30- or 32-ply flat-braided wick
  • Wick holder (pencil, chopstick, etc.)
  • Wick weight (such as a small bolt)
  • Baking sheet
  • Small paintbrush
  • Skillet or frying pan
  • Candle base (optional)
  • Ladle

Scenting the Wick

  • Essential oils
  • Candle wax
  • Wicks
  • Parchment or greaseproof paper
  • General candle making supplies

[Edit]Related wikiHows


  • Andi Clevely and Katherine Richmond, The Cook's Encyclopedia of Herbs, p. 218, (2000), ISBN 0-7548-0617-0 – research source
  • Deborah Schneebeli-Morrell, The Victorian Book of Potions and Perfumes, p.18, (1996), ISBN 1-85833-503-5 – research source
  • Catherine Bardey, Making Candles & Potpourri, p. 45 and pp.70-71, (1999), ISBN 3-8290-6604-X – research source

[Edit]Quick Summary

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