
How to Avoid Jet Lag

When you're flying across time zones, it can take your body some time to adjust. Jet lag can cause temporary issues like insomnia, fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, and difficulty concentrating. You can avoid jet lag by preparing properly for your flight and by getting enough rest during your flight. Once you land, make sure you expose yourself to natural sunlight and follow the local time to avoid jet lag.


[Edit]Preparing For Your Flight

  1. Adjust your sleep and eating schedule. Do this a few days to a week before you are set to fly. If you are traveling east, go to bed one hour earlier each night in the two to three days leading up to your departure. If you are traveling west, go to bed one hour later in the two to three days before your flight. This will give your body a chance to gradually adjust to your new time zone when you land in your destination.[1]
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    • You should also try to adjust your eating schedule in the two to three days before your flight. Have your meals closer to when you will be eating them at your destination so your body gets used to the new meal times. For example, if dinner time is one hour ahead in your destination, have your dinner one hour later than usual at home.
  2. Get enough sleep before you fly. Make sure you get several nights of good, quality sleep leading up to your flight. Being sleep deprived when you board the plane will make your jet lag much worse. Maintain a regular sleep schedule, do calming activities before bed, and make your sleep space cozy and quiet to help you get to sleep.[2]
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    • You may also create a sleep routine in the week leading up to your flight to prepare. Doing a calming activity before bed like reading, taking a bath, or chatting with your partner in bed can make it easier for you to fall asleep and maintain a regular sleep routine.
  3. Avoid coffee and alcohol 12 hours before your flight. Drinking coffee and alcohol before you fly can make your jet lag much worse once you land. Try to stay away from coffee and alcohol 12 hours before you are set to fly. Instead, stay hydrated by drinking lots of water leading up to your flight.[3]
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    • Pack a water bottle in your carry-on so you can sip water while you are at the airport waiting for your flight. You can also get the water bottle filled on the plane so you can stay hydrated while in the air.
    • Many people prefer to avoid drinking alcohol on board as well.[4]
  4. Book an overnight flight. If possible, try to book an overnight flight. This way, you can have dinner at a normal time in the evening and are more likely to sleep on the flight during the night. Depending on your destination, you may arrive in the morning or afternoon if you opt for an overnight flight. This will make it easier for you to adjust to the new time zone once you land.[5]
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    • If you can’t get an overnight flight, try to get a flight where you land in the morning or afternoon rather than the evening. This can make dealing with jet lag much easier in your destination.

[Edit]Getting Enough Rest During Your Flight

  1. Bring a pillow and an eye mask. To avoid jet lag, it’s important that you get enough sleep on the plane. Pack a travel pillow and an eye mask to make sleeping on the flight easier. Bring a blanket or a big scarf that you can use to stay warm while you sleep.[6]
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    • You can also pack headphones or earplugs to block out noise or distractions on the flight.
  2. Take a sleeping pill. Only take sleeping pills during the flight if you have taken them before and at a low dosage. One sleeping pill is often good for an overnight flight to help you sleep. Taking more than one can end up making you feel groggy when you land, and could end up making your jet lag worse.[7]
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    • Ask your doctor for advice on dosage and when you should take the sleeping pill during your flight.
    • By taking a relaxant to mhttps://https://ift.tt/CpJz5cH sure you sleep, you can be well-rested upon arrival.[8]
  3. Change your watch to the timezone of your destination. If you wear a watch, change the time so it matches the timezone of your destination. You can also adjust the clock on your cellphone. Doing this will help you get accustomed to the new timezone and prepare you for a new sleeping and eating schedule.[9]
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    • If you are not sure what the new timezone will be at your destination, ask a flight attendant for this information.
  4. Drink lots of water. It is common to get dehydrated on the plane, and dehydration can make jet lag much worse. Try to drink at least 8 ounces of water for every hour you are in the air. Sip from a water bottle in your carry-on and request water from the flight attendant.[10]
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    • Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages on the flight, as they can interfere with your sleep.
  5. Do light exercise. Try to get up and walk in the aisle of the plane, especially during a long flight. Doing light exercise and moving your body can help improve your blood circulation on the flight. It may also help you get to sleep more easily, especially if you go for a short walk around before you go to sleep.[11]
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    • You can also try doing light stretching in the aisle, such as standing side stretches.
    • Deep breathing and meditation may also help you stay calm and relaxed during the flight.

[Edit]Avoiding Jet Lag Once You Land

  1. Go outside once you land. Once you get to your destination, it is important that you get enough exposure to natural sunlight. Light exposure helps to regulate your body’s circadian rhythm and make it easier for you to adjust to your new location. If you have traveled westward, try to go outside in the early evening so you get exposed to light at night. If you have traveled eastward, go outside in the morning so you get exposed to light early in the day.[12]
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  2. Avoid going outside if you've traveled more than eight time zones. The one exception to this rule is if you have traveled more than eight time zones from your original time zone. If you have traveled more than eight time zones to the east, wear sunglasses and stay away from bright light in the morning. Then, try to get as much sunlight as possible in the late afternoon.[13]
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    • If you’ve traveled more than eight time zones to the west, avoid outdoor light a few hours before dark during the first few days so you can adjust to the local time.
  3. Eat at the local time. Once you land, try to have your meals at the local time so your body can adjust. If you land at night, for example, have dinner at the local time. If you land in the morning, have breakfast at the local time.[14]
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    • If you find yourself getting hungry between meals, have small snacks to keep your stomach satisfied. Only have large meals at the local time so you adjust better to the new time zone.
    • Make sure you have a lot of water as part of your meals. Dehydration can make your jet lag worse. Avoid alcohol and caffeine once you land as they can negatively affect your sleep.
  4. Stick to a regular sleep schedule. You should also go to sleep based on the local time and stick to a regular sleep schedule. This will make your jet lag less intense and help your body adjust to the new time zone.[v161559_b01]. 18 September 2020.</ref>
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    • For example, if you land in the early evening, try to stay awake until the late evening so you can go to sleep at an appropriate time. If you get in early in the day, stay awake until the evening so your sleep time matches the local time.
  5. Take melatonin to help you sleep. If you struggle with going to sleep in the new time zone, consider taking melatonin. Melatonin is a nonprescription drug that has been shown to help set your internal clock and make going to sleep much easier. Having 3 milligrams of melatonin before bed for several days after arrival can help regulate your sleep schedule.[15]
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    • Speak to your doctor about taking melatonin before you go on your trip.


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